The new family room sofa and loveseat finally arrived! Maybe now my family will stop complaining about not having enough places to sit in here!
It was such a big decision: a sectional or a sofa and loveseat. My family pushed hard for a sectional, but I just couldn't do it!
As you can see, I've wrapped a paisley throw on the sofa seat, to protect it from the dog and number 2 son, home for the summer from college.
It's is a new look, with the neutral linen...
...instead of the strong colors I had in here before.
The red sofa found a new home in the sunroom.
Here is the room before replacing the rug with a seagrass rug.
The new seagrass rug. Still experimenting with decorative pillows and throws!
Last night, the Kilim rug I found on Ebay arrived. I'm not sure about the colors, but I do like the layered, tribal look.
The family room this morning, after playing around with more pillows.
Maybe an animal hide rug would be better? Whatever I decide, I'm enjoying the process of updating the family room. My family is very happy with the arrangement too!